TC KEG 720E | KEG cooler
TC KEG 720E | KEG cooler
  • Refrigeration range: +2..+10 °C
  • Refrigerant: R290
  • KEG capacity: 7x20 liter
  • Capacity: 240 W
  • Brutto volume: 460 liter
  • Net volume: 390 liters
  • External dimensions: 745 x 725 x 1340 mm
Please call for details.
The TC KEG 720E - keg coolers has especially been designed for storage of 7 x 20L kegs. A TC KEG 720E - keg storage cooler often comes in combination with a DFK keg cooler, as a pre-cooling unit of 20L SLIM kegs. With special solid shelving and compact dimensions it can be placed everywhere nearby or distant from point of dispense. TC KEG 720E - coolers have ventilated cooling (quick cooling effect), electronic thermostat with automatic defrost, adjustable feet, special solid shelving for 20L kegs, exchangeable door seals. Silver coloured skinplate inside, anthracite coloured skinplate outside.  Simple service - completely removable cooling unit.
TC logo Crown Cool SRL | România – str Topliţa, nr. 155, Miercurea Ciuc, jud. Harghita
Tel: (+40) 726 308 900 •   (+40) 266 315 068
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Opening hours: 8-16