MCR051E - Cook and hold oven low temperature oven 5 x GN 1/1
MCR051E - Cook and hold oven low temperature oven 5 x GN 1/1
  • Temperature range: +30 ... 120 °C
  • Capacity: 1 kW
  • External dimensions: 450 x 630 x 550 mm
Please call for details.
5 x GN 1/1 capacity, static holding cabinets, slow cooking and reheating with core probe, and electronic control with programmer. The distance between layers 75 mm.
TC logo Crown Cool SRL | România – str Topliţa, nr. 155, Miercurea Ciuc, jud. Harghita
Tel: (+40) 726 308 900 •   (+40) 266 315 068
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Opening hours: 8-16