Vortex 43 - Hand blender
Vortex 43 - Hand blender
  • Width: 377 mm
  • Capacity: 0,60 kW
  • Turns per minute: 13000 rpm
Please call for details.
The Vortex 43 Botmixer has a strong, lightweight ABS fiberglass body with excellent cooling system, ergonomic handle, high efficiency motors (3 different motors), IPX3 protection, safety protection against accidental engagement, detachable rod, stainless steel motorbike with plinth and rod.
TC logo Crown Cool SRL | România – str Topliţa, nr. 155, Miercurea Ciuc, jud. Harghita
Tel: (+40) 726 308 900 •   (+40) 266 315 068
Website: www.tcromania.com • E-mail: office@tcromania.com
Opening hours: 8-16