Hight-value equipment delivered to you free of charge.
SYMPHONY AG-097-deli-OS-122-DBA - The counter has a built-in cooling unit PLUG IN, dynamic cooling. Melt-water evaporation: electric melt-water evaporator included.
Side walls: two side walls, transparent
LED: double LED 4000-4500K
Thermometer: included
Glass shelf:not cooled glass shelf inside (only for 1250mm, 1500mm and 1875mm)
with glass wall (support) for 1500mm and 1875mm
Night curtains: sliding curtains (acryl), included
Defrost heater: included
Display area: stainless steel AISI304
Refrigerated storage: available, stainless steel AISI430 (monoblock - painted RAL 9003)
Electric outlet: included
Please call for details.