DS35 Glasswasher
DS35 Glasswasher
  • Weight: 30 kg
  • Capacity of the tank: 12 l
  • Basket size: 350x350 mm
  • Duration of the washing up cycle: 120 sec
  • Capacity: 2,6 kW
  • Voltage: 230 V, 50 Hz
  • Washing up efficiency: 30 basket/hour
  • External dimensions: 415 x 465 x 670 mm
Please call for details.

Glasswasher for max. 270 mm height glass. The thermostop system is standard, with electronic timer, can be switched off.

Use of water softener is obligatory!

TC logo Crown Cool SRL | România – str Topliţa, nr. 155, Miercurea Ciuc, jud. Harghita
Tel: (+40) 726 308 900 •   (+40) 266 315 068
Website: www.tcromania.com • E-mail: office@tcromania.com
Opening hours: 8-16